Government pushes ahead on putting bus services under local authority control in England

Transport Secretary Louise Haigh has unveiled a package of measures that will give local transport authorities across England new powers to run their own bus services – powers previously limited to mayoral combined authorities.

The move, says Haigh, means that local leaders across the country can deliver services that suit the needs of their communities.

The government has also launched a consultation on new draft guidance to provide advice and support for local leaders looking to bring services into public control. This simplified guidance is intended to help break down barriers to local control of bus services, speeding up the process and bringing down costs.

The new powers are intended to give local transport authorities the powers to emulate the success of publicly controlled buses in Greater Manchester and London. Greater Manchester’s Bee Network has seen passenger numbers grow by 5% since public control began to be rolled out just a year ago.

The impending Buses Bill will also reverse the ban on setting up new publicly owned bus companies, provide greater flexibility over bus funding and will take steps to improve bus services for communities who choose not to pursue public control.

Buses remain the most used form of public transport across the country, but after almost four decades of deregulation it is widely acknowledged that vital services have been slashed and there is little accountability to passengers.

Since 2010, almost 300 million fewer miles have been driven by buses per year. The government aims to reverse this trend by giving communities the opportunity to control local bus services and “have a real say in building local transport networks that work for them”.

Transport Secretary, Louise Haigh, said, “Buses are the lifeblood of our communities, but for too many people it has become impossible to rely on local services, as routes have been slashed and timetables hollowed out.

“Today is the first stop on our journey to delivering better buses across the country. After decades of failed deregulation, local leaders will finally have the powers to provide services that deliver for passengers.

“With local communities firmly back in the driving seat, our bus revolution will save vital routes up and down the country and put passengers first.”

Jason Prince, Director of the Urban Transport Group, said, “We welcome the pace at which government is moving on its ambitious transport agenda.

“Buses are the cornerstone of our public transport system, so it’s greatly encouraging to see this new package of measures, which will deliver better bus services for more local areas. We look forward to working with government to create a smoother journey for all bus passengers.”

Councillor Adam Hug, transport spokesperson for the Local Government Association, added, “Buses remain critical to local government’s efforts to ensure that everyone can benefit from inclusive economic growth and job opportunities, and to prevent social isolation by making local services more accessible; they also continue to play a vital role in reducing carbon and other harmful emissions.

These proposed measures recognise the fundamental role of local leadership in shaping future bus provision, which the LGA has long been calling for.

Nik Johnson, Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, said, “This is a government that understands what the communities and economies of places like Cambridgeshire and Peterborough need.

“Good quality public transport is a vital part of people’s lives and none more so than local bus services, so it’s a huge boost to see much-needed change coming to life.

“As a combined authority we’re doing everything we can to reform the way buses are managed across the region and having government on our side makes a massive difference.”


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