Places programme
Interchange 1
The challenges and opportunities from creating better places through better and more integrated transport

4 March 2025
Session 1 – 11.45-13.00
Interchange 1 Theatre
The positive role of transport in placemaking
00.00 Iain Painting, scene setting
01.42 Panel introductions
03.57 Adam Scott
17.20 Joe Charlesworth/20.00 Kate Gifford/22.50 Niels Stange
30.49 Matt Carpen
36.10 Phil Mayall
41.37 Panel discussion
As the scene setter for the places stream the session will look at the importance of systems thinking, the changing policy and governance landscape and how the new focus on integrated transport, particularly through investment in active travel and public transport, creates new opportunity for economic development and regeneration.
Moderator: Iain Painting, Planning Director, Stantec
Opening address: Adam Scott, Global Creative Director and founder, FreeState
Phil Mayall, Managing Director, Muse Developments
Matthew Carpen, Managing Director, Barking Riverside
Niels Stange, Project Manager, Senior Mobility Specialist, Sweco DK
Joe Charlesworth, Technical Director, Sweco UK
Kate Gifford, Head of Future Mobility, West Yorkshire Combined Authority
5 March 2025
Session 2 – 11.30-12.30
Interchange 1 Theatre
What works for major cities
00.00 Leigh Stolworthy, scene setting
02.00 Panel introductions
03.00 Ryan Ward
15.30 Stacey White
24.54 Andrew Linfoot
29.20 Michael Cowland
32.55 Chris Barnes
45.24 Panel discussion
Opportunities and solutions depend on the setting, this session will look at transport-led regeneration and development project exemplars in high-demand areas. What is the complex interplay between public transport, active travel, reducing car dependency and broader placemaking and development potential
Moderator: Leigh Stolworthy, Director Transport Planning, Stantec
Ryan Ward, Director, Deloitte
Stacey White, Head of Place and Consents, Mass Transit Programme, West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Michael Cowland, Major Programme Set-Up and Transformation, Turner & Townsend
Andrew Linfoot, Director for Landscape Architecture, Jacobs
Chris Barnes, Network Director (Infrastructure), Transport for Greater Manchester
Session 3 – 13.30-14.30
Interchange 1 Theatre
What works for small towns and rural areas
00.00 Paj Valley, scene setting
2.29 Grace Grant
14.18 Isabella Bhoan
28.20 Andrew Atkins
40.25 Panel discussion
Continuing the theme that opportunities and solutions depend on the setting, this session will explore what is possible in low-demand and rural areas such as market towns and their surrounding rural areas. In this context how can transport hubs act as catalysts for development and regeneration and at the same time offer a viable alternative to private car use by providing connections between active travel and public transport services.
Moderator: Paj Valley, Masterplanning + Urban Design Director, Stantec
Grace Grant, Associate Director, Infrastructure Business Cases and Funding, WSP
Isabella Bhoan, Head of Landscape Architecture, WW+P
Andrew Atkins, Development Director, Solum/Kier Property