King's Speech highlights transport, energy, planning and devolution priorities

Transport, energy, devolution and planning featured heavily in the King’s Speech, marking the first Opening of Parliament under a Labour Government in 14 years.

The King's Speech is a ceremonial address delivered by the reigning monarch at the State Opening of Parliament. Written by the Prime Minister and the government, it outlines the government's agenda and legislative priorities for the upcoming parliamentary session.

On planning, infrastructure and economic growth King Charles said:

“My Government’s legislative programme will be mission led and based upon the principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all… Stability will be the cornerstone of my Government’s economic policy and every decision will be consistent with its fiscal rules… Securing economic growth will be a fundamental mission.

“My Government will seek a new partnership with both business and working people and help the country move on from the recent cost of living challenges by prioritising wealth creation for all communities. My Ministers will establish an Industrial Strategy Council. It is my Government’s objective to see rising living standards in all nations and regions in the United Kingdom.

“My Ministers will get Britain building, including through planning reform, as they seek to accelerate the delivery of high quality infrastructure and housing [Planning and Infrastructure Bill]. They will also pursue sustainable growth by encouraging investment in industry, skills and new technologies.

On devolution and transport King Charles said:

“My Government believes that greater devolution of decision making is at the heart of a modern dynamic economy and is a key driver of economic growth and my Ministers will introduce an English Devolution Bill. Legislation will be introduced to give new powers to metro mayors and combined authorities. This will support local growth plans that bring economic benefit to communities.

“A Bill will be introduced to allow local leaders to take control of their local bus services [Better Buses Bill]. My Ministers will bring forward legislation to improve the railways by reforming rail franchising, establishing Great British Railways and bringing train operators into public ownership [Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill, Rail Reform Bill].

“Taken together these policies will enhance Britain’s position as a leading industrial nation and enable the country to take advantage of new opportunities that can promote growth and wealth creation.

On energy the King said:

“My Government recognises the urgency of the global climate challenge and the new job opportunities that can come from leading the development of the technologies of the future. It is committed to a clean energy transition which will lower energy bills for consumers over time. A Bill will be introduced to set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned clean power company headquartered in Scotland, which will help accelerate investment in renewable energy such as offshore wind [Great British Energy Bill].

“Legislation will be brought forward to help the country achieve energy independence and unlock investment in energy infrastructure. A Bill will be introduced to support sustainable aviation fuel production [Sustainable Aviation Fuel (Revenue Support Mechanism) Bill].

Industry responses:

Responding to the King’s Speech today, Paul Tuohy from transport charity Campaign for Better Transport, said “It’s good to see transport back on the agenda with bold plans to grow the network. Both Rail Bills are welcome, as are plans to improve bus services and give more powers to local leaders to deliver local transport systems that work for their communities. We are saddened to see no commitment to reinstating the Northern leg of HS2 however.”

Jason Prince, Director of the Urban Transport Group, said, “The King’s Speech sends a strong signal of intent that this Government is serious about transforming our transport sector.

“Our rail services need reform, so it is encouraging that the Government is moving ahead with the creation of Great British Railways. And on buses, local leaders will be given greater powers to franchise or publicly own bus services - powers we have long called for.

“Together with the recognition that greater devolution can herald positive change for local communities, these new Bills could lead to big improvements in transport.

“As city regions that deliver transport services for millions of people day in, day out, we stand ready to work with the new Government to help realise their ambitions.”

In a statement the Institution of Civil Engineers said, “The new government is moving quickly to enact its manifesto pledges and deliver change.

“While some of today’s announcements need more detail, it’s encouraging to see the scope and ambition of plans for energy, transport, devolution, and planning reform.

“The ICE has been calling for clear plans in these areas for some time… Now it's time to pick up the pace and deliver an infrastructure system that can meet the UK's economic, social, and environmental goals.”


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