North Northamptonshire to double “no cost to local authority” on-street EV chargers

North Northamptonshire Council is proposing to install on-street electric vehicle charging points at 21 new sites across the region, comprising approximately 80 new sockets that will be available for local Electric Vehicle (EV) drivers to use from early next year.

The 21 new sites are currently under review with residents of the borough. The goal of the programme is to increase the availability of public EV charging, and in particular to facilitate convenient public charging for those who cannot charge their EVs at home or on a private driveway. The investment is also intended to help encourage further EV adoption.


The charging points will be installed, operated, maintained and funded by the UK charge point operator, Liberty Charge, with the support of its delivery partner, Virgin Media O2.


This latest tranche adds to the 82 sockets already available, funded and maintained by Liberty Charge in Northamptonshire.


North Northamptonshire’s Cllr Graham Lawman says climate goals will only be reached by installing the infrastructure to support EVs on North Northamptonshire’s residential roads, “Without the infrastructure in place, it would be impossible to accommodate the growing popularity of EVs. The fully-funded solution means there is zero cost to the tax-payer – of added importance in today’s financial climate.”


Liberty Charge is a fully funded model and a specialist in delivering charge point infrastructure at no cost to local authorities, taking ownership and responsibility for maintenance and operations of charge points without any need for any taxpayer financing.


Neil Isaacson, Liberty Charge CEO, says the Council is to be applauded on its latest initiative, “It’s fantastic to build on our partnership with North Northamptonshire Council, and we are proud to continue in our work to electrify the council area. It’s always a pleasure to work with a Council that is committed to supporting their residents in moving to EVs.”


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