Peninsula Transport launches its 2050 regional transport strategy

Peninsula Transport, the Sub-national Transport Body for Cornwall, Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay has released its regional transport strategy.

Approved by the Peninsula Transport Board earlier this year, the strategy brings together the findings of a robust evidence base which has been developed over the last five years. Consultation on the draft strategy, opening in December 2023, invited feedback from government, industry, businesses, and local communities to ensure the strategy addresses the diverse needs of those travelling within the peninsula.

The resulting strategy aims to give people in the south west a more resilient, reliable and accessible transport system, boosting economic growth while supporting more sustainable ways to travel. Overcoming some specific regional transport challenges such as network resilience, seasonal variation and rural accessibility will be vital.

The strategy sets out key outcomes as well as a route map to achieve a strategic transport network that works for everyone – including businesses, communities and visitors.

By 2030 the desired outcomes are:

  • Easier journeys: an integrated public transport system that focuses on the needs of the customers, making travel easy and accessible as well as better active travel connectivity with the bus and rail network

  • Going electric: affordable zero-emission transport through a reliable electric vehicle charging network and alternative fuel choices for road freight and buses

  • A connected peninsula: safe, reliable, resilient and sustainable links to and throughout the peninsula, allowing for climate adaptation

These outcomes will ultimately lead to the key objective by 2050 of “completing the transport network: improving connections within a safe and fully integrated transport network on a path to net zero.”

To make progress towards delivering the strategy, Peninsula Transport’s work programme is currently focused on several areas including the development of integrated ticketing, rural mobility solutions, maintaining road and rail network resilience, electric vehicle infrastructure, freight initiatives, carbon emissions forecasting as well as establishing a Regional Centre of Excellence to support partners.

Peninsula Transport will also continue to make the case for enhancing strategic road and rail links throughout the peninsula, to improve resilience, journey safety and efficiency.

Additionally, the strategy will sit alongside a Strategic Implementation Plan which will identify and prioritise specific schemes and initiatives needed to deliver the transport strategy. The implementation plan is currently under development and is expected to be in place by late 2024.

Together, both the strategy and implementation plan will help to advise government on the unique transport needs of the peninsula and advocate for the delivery of transport projects that will make a real difference to the region.

Councillor Mark Coker, Peninsula Transport Chair, said, “The Peninsula Transport Strategy marks a major milestone as it sets out our advice to government on the region’s transport needs.

“We have placed the user at the heart of the strategy, and we want to see hassle-free, more sustainable and better connected journeys. Through the strategy, we provide a collective regional voice, which will help to boost our key transport links and complement the work of our local authorities to enhance regional connectivity.

“The STB will continue to bring partners and organisations together to ensure we deliver for the peninsula, acting as champions and providing the vital link between national, regional and local transport policy.”


The Peninsula Transport Strategy is available here


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