Scotland increases active travel infrastructure investment

The Scottish Government has released an additional £20 million funding for active travel infrastructure funding in 2023/24.

The Active Travel Transformation Fund will be available to Local Authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships and National Park Authorities – working in partnership with Transport Scotland – to deliver ambitious, construction-ready active travel infrastructure schemes across Scotland.


Minister for Active Travel Patrick Harvie announced the funding during a Scottish Parliament debate on Active Travel transformation, having visited Glasgow City Council's Connecting Battlefield project earlier in the day. Harvie said, “We’ve worked closely with local authorities to ensure this new approach works for them – making it easier to deliver more ambitious infrastructure projects faster than ever before.


“Later this summer, Scotland will be the cycling centre of the world with the first ever cycling world championships being hosted here. I want to make sure that the excitement around those elite events is matched by our ambition for everyday walking, wheeling and cycling. That is why I am just as excited about what we can do to deliver more safe, segregated and accessible infrastructure and make it easier for more people to do so.


“This is all part of our record funding for active travel in 2023/24 and we remain committed to investing at least £320 million or 10% of the transport budget for active travel by 2024/25.”


Councillor Gail Macgregor, Environment and Economy Spokesperson for COSLA, the national association of Scottish councils said, “Councils across Scotland are committed to meeting our net zero targets and recognise that creating a more sustainable transport network is key to that.


“These projects demonstrate local authorities’ commitment to and key role in the journey to net zero. They will also create benefits for public health and for local economies. COSLA looks forward to increased funding in future years that enables these great projects to be taken forward in all communities.”


Glasgow City Council and Convener for Transport Councillor Angus Millar added, “It’s great to see the Scottish Government backing our plans to deliver safe and comprehensive active travel infrastructure for Glasgow.


“All of our projects aim to provide improved public spaces that support active travel and public transport so we can move away from relying on the vehicles that fuel climate change.


“The push to develop the Connecting Battlefield project, in particular, will ensure safer, segregated cycling infrastructure all the way into the city centre.


“It is connections like these that are crucial for the growth of Glasgow’s City Network for active travel and making active travel and public transport more attractive options for everyday journeys across the city.”


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