Strong authorities key to sustainable and resilient transport

Metropolitan transport authorities have an integral role to play in responding to the global climate crisis by reducing emissions from and increasing the resilience of transport systems, according to a new report written by Urban Transport Group (UTG), the UK’s network of city region transport authorities, for the global public transport association, UITP.

The report, says author and UTG director Jonathan Bray, shows how new and existing transport authorities can deliver on the carbon reductions and air quality improvements required from transport as part of wider city region and national government targets.


They can do this, adds Bray, by investing in low and zero emission vehicle fleets and the supporting infrastructure; generating or purchasing green energy to power public transport fleets; promoting modal shift from the most polluting and carbon intensive transport modes; and improving the resilience of cities to the more extreme weather conditions that climate change is bringing.


With nearly 7 out of 10 people expected to live in urban areas by 2050 and with cities now consuming two thirds of global energy consumption and generating 70% of greenhouse gas emissions, the report shows how, by establishing empowered transport authorities, metropolitan areas can respond effectively to the resulting challenges while ensuring that urban areas continue to be the engines of national economies.


The wide-ranging report sets out the many benefits of metropolitan areas establishing empowered transport authorities and provides options for those areas who are considering setting one up.


It shows how transport authorities have been able to address complex challenges and make trade-offs with finite resources and in the context of serving urban areas which are dynamic and constantly evolving.


Mohamed Mezghani, Secretary General of UITP said, “Public transport will be vital to the recovery of the economy and society in a post-Covid 19 world and in combatting climate change. However, these objectives will not be possible without the planning and organisation of strong transport and mobility authorities. They are key in ensuring that public transport services are provided with public policy goals in mind whilst also considering citizens’ expectations.”


Report author Jonathan Bray adds, “Given the huge and complex transport challenges that metropolitan areas around the world are facing, many are looking at how they can plan and operate transport in the future in a more coordinated way. I hope this report can help provide an accessible and non-technical guide to the benefits of metropolitan area transport authorities as well as the issues around establishing them and the options for the different forms they can take.


“Although no one size fits all, and all governance is fluid, I strongly believe that transport authorities are a key building block for a better future for metropolitan areas and as the Director of the Urban Transport Group in the UK, I am delighted that we have been able to work with our fellow transport authorities around the world on this initiative.”


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