TfSE launches strategy to support switch to electric vehicles

Transport for the South East (TfSE) has launched its Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy which sets out steps to provide sufficient charging points as drivers switch to electric vehicles. The strategy forecasts that up to 28,500 charge points are needed across the TfSE area by 2030.

The strategy and accompanying action plan received approval from TfSE’s Partnership Board earlier this year. Both documents were developed in partnership and with input from local authorities, distribution network operators, charge point operators and other key stakeholders from across the south east region.

The strategy works alongside the government’s commitment to ban the sale of all petrol and diesel cars by 2030, by facilitating the continued rollout of EV charging infrastructure in an efficient and cohesive manner, through local engagement, leadership and planning. It also aims to realise TfSE’s vision of achieving net zero by 2050 at the latest.


Councillor Keith Glazier, Chair of Transport for the South East said, “The transport sector is the biggest contributor of carbon emissions in the south east. We need to think and plan smarter as well as greener so we can lead the way on decarbonising our country’s transport network.


“Every day more people are making the switch to electric vehicles, which brings us a step closer to achieving net zero emissions. Transport for the South East’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy and action plan is an opportunity to prepare for the inevitable future demand as more people make the switch.


“We’re committed to working with our partners both nationally and here in the south east to drive the changes needed to decarbonise our transport network. This strategy is a big step to support this but must work alongside wider measures to give people an alternative choice to the car, more freight onto rail and better joined up planning of new housing and employment to encourage more sustainable transport choices.”


TfSE was awarded funding by DfT to carry out a regional assessment of the current status of EV infrastructure and the forecast demand for the south east. It will use this work to support stakeholders and Local Transport Authorities (LTAs) in planning for charging infrastructure.


The work has been supported and critiqued by the Transport for the South East EV Forum consisting of Network Rail and National Highways representatives, Local Transport Authorities, District and Borough authorities as well as many other key stakeholders. Since the beginning of development, the EV Forum has welcomed over 100 active members, all of whom have been critical in helping TfSE drive the strategy forward through a combination of expert insight and local knowledge.


The action plan sets out a series of actions and recommendations. TfSE’s roles will include acting as a facilitator to disseminate information, ensuring the strategy, action plan and technical work is reviewed and up-to-date and providing a platform for targeted engagement and on-going support for LTAs with the development of their individual Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategies. LTAs and other key stakeholders also have defined roles to help deliver the action plan.


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