Wales sets out plan to make public transport and active travel the easiest way to get about

Transport for Wales (TfW) has published a five-year Corporate Strategy outlining how it will improve public transport and encourage more people to travel sustainably.

The Welsh Government-owned not-for-profit says it is offering a transformational programme that will enhance rail, bus and active travel routes.


The Welsh Government in 2021 released Llwybr Newydd: The Wales Transport Strategy which highlighted the significant role of public transport in helping achieve net zero by 2050, and the new strategy from TfW sets out a five-year plan to achieve this.


James Price, Transport for Wales CEO said, “The climate emergency is the greatest challenge of our time. The actions we take in response to that challenge need to protect us now and in the future, here in Wales and beyond.


“At TfW we’re working to improve public transport and we need fewer people travelling by car and more taking public transport, wheeling, walking or cycling. We’re investing in rail, bus and active travel and focusing on creating a more joined up network across all modes of travel.


“We know that there are challenges ahead as we face a period of financial uncertainty and the rising cost of living. The war in Ukraine has put pressure on the cost of materials and we’re still recovering from a global pandemic.


“However, we remain committed to our goals and this new strategy provides a clear outline about how we’ll achieve them. With brand-new trains and new electric buses entering service at the start of 2023, we’re continuing to move forward with our transformational plans.


“Our Corporate Strategy outlines key priorities and objectives to challenge and overturn longstanding transport behaviours by changing the perceptions of public transport and enabling modal shift. We remain committed to delivering our significant programme of transformation across public transport in Wales, allowing the people of Wales to live in a greener, cleaner and more connected society and environment.


“Over the next five years, we’re going to work hard to make public transport, walking, wheeling and cycling the easiest way to travel in Wales.


“Looking forward, we'll continue supporting our 22 local authority partners across Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government. This work is crucial when it comes to tackling the climate emergency, and we must ensure that our commitment to tackling it doesn't waver, even in the face of the difficult road ahead.


“With 17% of carbon emissions in Wales coming from transport, we need a mass shift away from use of the private car. This aim is ambitious and, therefore, our programme of transformation is equally ambitious.”


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