West Yorkshire opens public consultation on Bradford and Leeds tram routes

West Yorkshire Combined Authority has unveiled potential routes for West Yorkshire's long-awaited tram mass transit system and has opened its public consultation for both the Leeds Line and the Bradford Line.

The statutory preferred route consultation will be completed in 2025, and the Mayor has previously promised to have spades in the ground on the project by 2028.

Mass transit forms a key part of Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin's growth plan to connect people to opportunity and boost the economy.

Mayor Brabin said, "I’m committed to growing our economy and putting more money into people’s pockets - but to do so we need a transport network that is fit for purpose.

"Pivotal to achieving that is a modern, mass transit system interconnected with a West Yorkshire bus network under local control.

"I’ve promised to have spades in the ground by 2028 on mass transit, but we need to understand the views of the people who will use it to help inform the route it will take."

Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, commented “Our analysis suggests West Yorkshire is one of the country’s biggest priorities for a major public transport upgrade to meet the needs of local residents and businesses – and this is now firmly on its way.

“The effects of making journeys easier and reducing road congestion should unlock significant and sustainable economic growth for Leeds, Bradford and the wider region, as well as improving everyday life.

“Mayor Brabin and her team deserve credit for progressing plans to this point, where now the public have their chance to shape the future of a scheme that holds so much potential for boosting commuting, trade and leisure links across the region.”

Paul Swinney, Director of Policy at Centre for Cities, observed “The UK economy will only close the yawning gaps we have with France and Germany if big cities like Leeds and the wider West Yorkshire area are able to reach their full potential.

“Improving public transport in West Yorkshire to better link people to jobs will be part of achieving this. This makes the mass transit consultation important not just for West Yorkshire but for the national economy too.”

Tom Forth, founder and CTO of The Data City, one of North England's fastest growing AI companies, said “We know in our region how poor connectivity is holding us back. Whether it's worrying about arriving late for hospital appointments or nursery pickups, opting out of a better-paid job because the commute doesn't work, or businesses struggling to find the fantastic staff they need to expand.

“I can't wait to make a positive response to the consultation, arguing for the investment that will unlock new homes, new business sites, and better access to nature, entertainment, family, and friends that long overdue investment can unlock.”

Marcus Johns, Senior Research Fellow at IPPR North, said “Public transport is mission critical for driving up economic growth, opening up opportunities, addressing the climate crisis, and boosting living standards, all shown clearly by the evidence in the UK and internationally.

“This ambition to rapidly rollout a mass transit system across West Yorkshire is a major step in the right direction. This is not only good for West Yorkshire, it is a clear lesson of the high ambition and benefits that Mayors, devolution, and investment are bringing to our wider region. To unlock shared growth and renewal, we hope to see schemes like this brought forward for cities and towns across the country.”


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