
“Interchange is great marketplace of ideas that transcend individual modes.The team have pulled together a rich and thought-provoking agenda packed with the sorts of conversations we should be having more of as a transport sector.”

– Rufus Boyd, Interim Lead Director of Great British Railways Transition Team (GBRTT)

“I love the blend of sectors and the ability to connect and reconnect with partners, stakeholders and clients. The day was packed and exciting”

“I didn't have very fixed expectations before I came but it far exceeded what I'd expected to get. Lots of really interesting conversations and thought provoking ideas. I'll definitely be looking out for next year's agenda and recommending to colleagues.”

“There was a positive energy clearly evident throughout the entire event. The calibre of exhibitors was extremely high and wherever you looked, you could see visitors and exhibitors engaged in conversation.

“Superbly organised, excellent calibre of senior industry people attending, great venue.”

“The exhibition was ideal, very democratic and just enough to provide a base for each organisation taking part.  I think this is the way forward.  It is not a trade show but a ‘meeting of minds’ so the stands serve only as a ‘base’”

“Congratulations on the first event, feedback from the team has been really positive and they have plenty of conversations to follow up on”

“Thanks for a fabulous event. I was contemplating on how well organised it was!”

“Well organised - and inspired choice to hold it under the Interchange umbrella. Created a real buzz. Hope to be able to take part again next year.”

“I loved the look and feel, and I like the fact that it was smaller, offering the opportunity to engage with most people that you wanted to. I was very impressed with the venue. VIP area was great, allowing me to grab refreshments when needed. Exhibition areas were also good. I liked the feel, with similar size stands for all, and the illumination of the stands really made them stand out. Thank you. Great event.”

“The secret source of Interchange was bringing together all stakeholders who care/are invested in UK Transport to improve customer experience, financial sustainability, and, environmental sustainability. A stellar opportunity for industry collaboration to better serve transport organisations to realize scaled business transformation”

“The whole event was the friendliest that I've been to in ages. Perhaps it was the variety of different spaces to meet in, or the relaxed key note stage setting. the walk-through cafe was also great for bumping into people for chat. It was great to see so many women at the event, and not just to fill the quota on panels too.”

“Best event I’ve ever attended 👏”