Workshop Schedule
Wednesday 19 April 2023
12.30 – 17.15 (Boardroom 2)
RIA Innovation Workshop
Different transport modes are working hard to innovate for improved connectivity, better demand management, decarbonisation, and improved customer experience. At the same time, road, maritime, aviation and railway sectors have very similar challenges when it comes to overcoming barriers and adopting innovation.
To share those challenges and to see what good ideas are already being implemented in one transport sector that could be transferred into another, the Railway Industry Association is hosting two Innovation Swap workshops on 19 April at Interchange.
The workshops will focus on sharing knowledge and opportunities about innovation in two significant fields : Maximising the Benefits of Data and Minimising the Effects of Carbon.
Clients and project leaders from different sectors will give a short overview on the challenges, followed by an open discussion from innovators from across transport segments.
The innovators will able to present their ideas, on screen or desk-top display, and receive feedback and support from the other members and clients.
The workshops are limited to 25 innovators from across all segments.
How to join the RIA Innovation Swap
Please submit a short description about your innovation and how it can be adopted in a different transport infrastructure:
As there are only limited spaces available, we will select the most relevant and interesting innovations, ensuring the diversity of sectors and applications
You have to be registered to attend or exhibit at the Interchange event to be selected to showcase your innovation
10.30 – 12.00 (Boardroom 1)
Arup: How cities operate, mobility hubs and the integration of new transport modes.
12.15 – 13.15 (Boardroom 1)
PA Consulting: The Balancing Act – How do we fairly juggle the competing needs of consumers, suppliers, travellers and communities? Exploring potential futures and the implications for transport and logistics.
(Open to all)
14.00 – 15.30 (Boardroom 1)
Tech UK & Transport for the West Midlands:
Delivering transport infrastructure innovation
(Invitation Only)
14.00 (Boardroom 3)
Tackling the challenges and opportunities of mobility integration and modal shift in Masterplanning
(Invitation Only)