Consultation seeks views on improving combined cycle and rail travel

The Cycle Rail Working Group, which includes stakeholders from the rail industry and sustainable transport groups, has asked the public for feedback on how to improve opportunities for people to combine cycling and rail travel in their journeys.

Current guidance was published in 2016 since when the call for sustainable travel options has increase dramatically. The group is developing replacement guidance and wants to hear the experiences of the public on what would help them combine cycle and rail travel.


David Hibbs, Cycle Rail Programme Manager at Sustrans, the UK’s largest walking and cycling charity and member of the Cycle Rail Working Group said, “It’s high time this guidance was updated because the world has moved on since 2016, but if we’re to make any improvements, we must listen to what people want.


“We want to help people to combine the active travel of cycling, which is cheaper and healthier than car use, with rail travel.


“The crucial question is really: ‘What would encourage you to cycle to the station?’ as we want to help people leave their cars at home to make local journeys through active means, such as walking, wheeling and of course cycling.”


Sustrans’ most recent Walking and Cycling Index found that in 2021, 64% of people across the UK would like improved cycling infrastructure that better links with public transport, such as secure cycle parking at train stations.


Silka Kennedy-Todd, Active Travel Lead at Great British Railways Transition Team, added, “Cycling and rail should be the perfect combination, but we know facilities at stations and on trains often fall short of what is needed to support travel by bike.”


The consultation closes on 9 January Click here to take part


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