TfN study highlights the importance of a multimodal freight network

Transport for the North (TfN) has published its Freight and Logistics Strategy for the North of England, which concludes that with investment across road, rail and inland waterway networks the freight and logistics sector could be worth over £30bn to the North’s economy and employ over half a million people by 2050.

The report is the first pan-Northern study of its type and complements TfN’s Strategic Transport Plan. It also identifies the need for additional terminal availability and highlights the importance of decarbonisation in developing a multimodal freight strategy for the North that meets current and future requirements of the region and the UK economy.


The freight and logistics sector has a huge role to play in closing the 25% productivity gap between the North and South of England. The sector represents a huge opportunity for the North and is a key issue for the UK given that more than 33% of goods enter through the Northern ports, 25% of GB freight starts in the North, and the same proportion of journeys end in the North.


Freight by road accounts for 90 percent of all tonnage moved in the North. The Strategy considers freight requirements across road, rail, port and inland waterways in the TfN region.


The strategy highlights the importance of a multimodal freight network covering road, rail, ports and inland waterways and identifies challenges such as a shortage of warehouse capacity (especially rail connected warehousing), lack of reliable and efficient east-west connectivity across the Pennines, and a disproportionate reliance on ports in the South of England.


Martin Tugwell, Chief Executive at Transport for the North said, “The freight and logistics sector is vital in helping us all get the things we need to go about our daily lives, as we were reminded during the lockdowns. Our freight and logistics strategy, which covers road, rail and waterway freight, reveals the data that drives the sector and identifies the opportunities for decarbonising the sector. It is an important piece of work not just for those who work in the sector, but for the general public and business community.


“The need to decarbonise our transport system also creates the opportunity to harness the potential of the North’s cutting-edge technology to deliver a transport system that is not only fit for the future, but which is sustainable in the longer-term. The drive to reduce the carbon impacts of freight and logistics runs through this strategy and works hand in glove with TfN’s Transport Decarbonisation Strategy.


“We have a clear vision and want to see continued growth in the sector that will help unlock the economic potential of the North. Our approach puts the needs of the user at the heart of our work for only in this way will our solutions deliver real results for businesses and communities.”


Lucy Hudson, Principal Policy Officer Freight and Logistics at Transport for the North added, “This comprehensive strategy sets out a suite of freight and logistics objectives for the North of England, a detailed description of the network and pinch points, additional TfN activity on decarbonisation, strategic rail, freight analysis with future travel scenarios and how these activities relate and contribute to TfN’s freight and logistics activity.


Councillor Louise Gittins, Vice-Chair of Transport for the North and Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council added, “We will work with partners, government, delivery bodies and the industry, to reduce journey delays, and support less polluting and more energy efficient movement of goods. We’ll support the change from moving goods by road to rail and water.”


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