Jet Zero strategy sets framework for pathways to decarbonise aviation

The Government’s new Jet Zero strategy commits UK domestic aviation to achieving net zero emissions by 2040, and for all airports in England to be zero-emission by the same year.

Aviation is currently responsible for around 2.5% of global carbon dioxide emissions. With the sector contributing £22 billion to the UK economy and set to grow as it recovers from the pandemic, the Jet Zero strategy, government says, provides the tools to help future-proof the aviation sector, deliver “guilt-free” air travel and create thousands more green jobs around the country.


Under the Jet Zero strategy, it says the whole economy will benefit as new, cutting-edge industries develop and new infrastructure is built to meet our ambitious targets. And to kick start the process the government has commited to having at least five commercial-scale sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) plants under construction by 2025.


Made from waste materials such as household waste, sewage or used cooking oil, sustainable aviation fuels offer, on average, greenhouse gas emissions savings of more than 70% compared to conventional fossil jet fuel when fully replacing kerosene.


In launching the strategy at Farnborough International Airshow, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said, “We want 2019 to be remembered as the peak year for aviation emissions. From now on, it should all be downhill for carbon emissions – and steadily uphill for green flights.


“The UK is setting an example of the ambition needed to tackle climate change, and the Jet Zero strategy provides a clear path to building a greener aviation sector for generations to come.


“Rather than clipping the sector’s wings, our pathway recognises that decarbonisation offers huge economic benefits, creating the jobs and industries of the future and making sure UK businesses are at the forefront of this green revolution.”


Six priority areas set out in the strategy are:


Improving the efficiency of the existing aviation system, from aircraft to airports and airspace. For example, we will improve fuel efficiency by 2% every year and are providing a further £3.7 million in 2022 to 2023 to support airports to modernise their airspace.


Increasing support for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), by creating secure and growing UK SAF demand through a SAF mandate that will require at least 10% of jet fuel to be made from sustainable sources by 2030 and kickstarting a domestic SAF industry, supported by the new £165 million Advanced Fuels Fund.


Supporting the development of zero-emission aircraft, with the aspiration of having zero-emission routes connecting places across the UK by 2030.


Developing carbon markets and greenhouse gas removal technologies to drive decarbonisation and offset any residual emissions, including by enhancing the UK Emission Trade Scheme (UK ETS).


Providing consumers with better information so they can make sustainable aviation choices. We will publish a call for evidence on our proposal to provide consumers with environmental information at the time of booking air travel in autumn 2022.


Increasing our understanding of the non-CO2 impacts of aviation, such as contrails and nitrogen oxides. The effects of these remain uncertain so we will work closely with academia and industry to monitor global developments in this area, increase our understanding, potential mitigations and explore a means of tracking these emissions.


Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng added, “This strategy provides the clear vision and leadership required to tackle one of the great industrial challenges of our time, decarbonisation of aviation. Importantly, it is also clear the global shift to cleaner forms of flight represents a huge opportunity to secure growth and jobs for the UK.


“Through the ambitious steps outlined in this strategy and close collaboration with our world-leading industrial and innovation base, the UK stands ready to capitalise on first mover status, seizing the economic benefits of a green aviation revolution.”


Julie Kitcher, EVP Communications and Corporate Affairs, Airbus, said, “Decarbonising aviation is a significant challenge, but the Jet Zero strategy provides a clear goal for the sector whilst driving forward the development of the different technological pathways needed to make net zero aviation emissions by 2050 a reality. The time to act is now. Working together, we will succeed.


Richard Moriarty, Chief Executive of the Civil Aviation Authority, said, “Aviation delivers substantial benefits both regionally and internationally, but comes with significant environmental impact.


“The Jet Zero strategy is an ideal opportunity for collaborative work to improve environmental performance in the aviation and aerospace systems for the benefit of consumers, users and the wider community.”


Chair of Sustainable Aviation, Matt Gorman, added, “With the world’s third largest aviation network and a proud history of aviation innovation, the UK is in a prime position to lead the global transition to a Jet Zero future.


Today’s strategy and pledges by Jet Zero Council members are a significant milestone on the path to achieving this ambition, recognising that aviation can grow sustainably with the right support.


We are pleased to see a strategy focussed on supporting the technologies that will deliver this ambition. We look forward to working with government on the commercialisation and scale-up of sustainable aviation fuels in the UK, investment in technology including zero-emission aircraft, delivery of critical airspace modernisation and supporting carbon removal technologies.


“We hope this will include policy support to quickly deliver a mandate and the right commercial incentives to enable investment in SAF plants here in the UK whilst ensuring the wider technology solutions are developed and implemented.”


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