Arup AECOM consortium to update local authority bus priority guidance

The UK Department for Transport (DfT) has appointed an Arup AECOM consortium to update the government’s guidance to local authorities on delivering bus priority across England.

The work is a key part of the DfT’s Bus Back Better: National Bus Strategy, which involves increasing bus priority schemes to help make services faster, more reliable, more attractive to passengers and cheaper to run.


In developing the guidance, there will be engagement with local authorities as well as other agencies to understand key requirements and best practice, while taking on board the latest technological advances to enable better bus services for communities across England.


AECOM project manager Christian Bodé said, “Better integrating public transport with other modes and providing future thinking on the next generation of bus priority is critical to creating sustainable communities and delivering on the decarbonisation of our transport network.”


Arup project director Stephen Bennett said, “Arup’s collaboration with the DfT and AECOM in delivering this updated guidance document – which will provide the latest advice on traffic management to assist the movement of buses – is an important step in improving services for passengers.


“As we address the dual challenges of decarbonising the transport network and improving access between communities, it’s never been more important to have fast and reliable bus services. Delivering these services is vital to enable people to move around quickly and sustainably, access job opportunities, visit their local centres, and spend time with friends and family.”


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