Local authorities identify cost as main factor limiting progress to net zero highways

A report from the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) sets out a range of actions being taken by local councils to achieve net zero highways and highlights cost and lack of funds as the main barrier to making progress.

Based on a survey facilitated by the Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) as an addendum to its 2022 ALARM Survey, LCRIG’s ‘net zero in highways’ report collates the responses of the 91 English councils, 21 London-boroughs and 10 Welsh councils who took part.


Sixty-four of the 91 English councils highlighted cost as one of the main barriers. In Wales, seven out of 10 councils identified cost as a significant barrier. The same trend appeared in London with 15 of the 21 responding authorities in the capital stating that cost was stopping them making progress towards net zero.


Other key findings in the report showed that:

  • Just one council claimed it was fully advanced in taking forward practical steps to deliver net zero

  • Of those who responded 84 councils have declared a climate emergency

  • Myriad of options available to assess carbon savings

  • Cost seen as main barrier stopping progress from being made

  • Councils struggling to keep up with technological changes

  • Lack of knowledge and skills stifling speed of EV charging rollout


Paula Claytonsmith, Director, Government and Strategy at the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) said, “Our report into net zero in highways makes for interesting reading. Whilst there are some positives to take from the findings there are also areas of concern which must be addressed to help councils overcome barriers that are stopping them from reaching net zero.


“Of these, the cost of doing so is identified as a main barrier. Given the economic backdrop against which a number of councils are operating this is perhaps unsurprising – but what it does highlight is the importance of practical guidance and the sharing of best practice to help educate officers on their journey to net zero.


“At LCRIG we will continue to play an important role in helping our members and the wider sector to reach net zero. Ultimately, net zero is a must and not an if – because by getting there we will be changing the lives of future generations for the better.”


Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) Chair Rick Green added, “The AIA is pleased to again support LCRIG’s Net Zero in Highways Survey, which highlights that delivering net zero is a tall order for local authorities’ highways teams, especially considering the challenge of rising costs due to inflation and a potential real terms cut in funding.


“Our industry has been working tirelessly on lower carbon solutions as we strive to reach our own challenging carbon reduction targets and we’ll continue to support greater local authority take up of products which can already reduce the CO2 associated with carriageway works. Continued collaboration between local authorities and industry will also be key and we agree with the need for standardising carbon calculation tools.


“But what’s really needed to kickstart the journey towards net zero highways would be a longer-term funding horizon and ringfencing of central government funding streams. This would help enable local authorities to plan for and make the best whole-life decisions when it comes to road maintenance –cutting carbon and delivering better roads.”


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